
When it is impossible to carry a child yourself, you can apply for the surrogacy program

Surrogacy has been used successfully for more than 20 years. According to Russian law, the indication for surrogacy is:

  • absence of uterus (congenital or acquired);
  • deformation of the cavity or cervix in congenital malformations or diseases;
  • endometrial pathology (synechia, uterine cavity obliteration, endometrial atrophy);
  • diseases (conditions) included in the List of contraindications;
  • unsuccessful repeated IVF attempts (3 or more) with repeated production of good quality embryos, the transfer of which does not lead to pregnancy;
  • habitual pregnancy failure (3 or more spontaneous miscarriages in history).

Surrogacy - what is it?

The embryo in the surrogacy program is obtained by in vitro fertilization (IVF), where the eggs of the biological mother (or donor) are fertilized by the sperm of the biological father (or donor). After that, the embryo is transferred to the surrogate mother, who, under the contract, undertakes to transfer the child to the mother and father after birth. It is they who will be registered as legal parents of the baby in the registry office. It should also be noted that in surrogacy, statistics of successful IVF are better than the population average. This is due to the fact that all surrogate mothers have excellent reproductive health.

It is possible to manage the surrogate mother\s pregnancy at our Center.

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