For the first time in Tomsk region, a 54-year-old patient of the Siberian State Medical University Hospital became a mother

53-year-old woman expressed her wish to become a mother. Zhanna Gaifulina and Tatyana Skorokhodova, associate professors of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Siberian State Medical University, Candidates of Medical Sciences agreed to become attending physicians to a very special patent at the Siberian State Medical University Hospital. ⠀
‘The special aspect of this case is the patient's age - 54 years old’, - said Tatyana Skorokhodova, associate professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Siberian State Medical University. ‘Moreover, the woman already has four children. It is worth noting that the patient is in excellent health condition because she is regularly doing sports and has healthy eating habits. Thus, the patent can conceive safely.’
The patent’s pregnancy was carefully supervised by doctors from the Siberian State Medical University Hospital.
- Preparation for my pregnancy and its accompaniment required a lot of work and special skills possessed by the doctors. I began my training at the Svetlensky district hospital, whose staff I am very grateful to. And the team of doctors at the Siberian State Medical University Hospital helped me prepare for pregnancy and accompanied me throughout its duration. Thanks to this, at my age, I became a mother again. For me it is a great happiness. Many thanks to all the medical staff, all the doctors who surrounded me with warmth and care. I would like to express special gratitude to Tatyana Skorokhodova - she was always there and called me ‘an extraordinary patient’. And I would like to pass a message to all women that wish to get a baby but doubt it because of their age a - do not be afraid, try it. Doctors at the Siberian State Medical University Hospital have gained a lot of experience’ said the patient.
Childbirth took place in the Tomsk Regional Perinatal Center named after. I.D. Yevtushenko. Mom and the newborn were doing well.